About ART on Wheels


In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita,Judith and her son Gerald, gathered and personally delivered $3,500 worth of art supplies to Baton Rough and Lafayette, Louisiana. The Louisiana Art Therapy Association (the LATA gals) helped sort the art donations and delivered the materials to several elementary schools, a hospital, two universities, and art centers in both communities. 

After the May 22nd tornado in Joplin, one of the community directors for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Center based in Joplin suggested to Judith that she create a title for her “ART RESCUE” mission, as a way to distinguish the project among a host of other disaster relief groups.

Thus, the “Art on Wheels:Art from the Heart of Missouri” disaster relief project for Louisiana surfaced again for Joplin; but this time with a new focus that included art therapy & specialized therapeutic art services. Art supply delivery to needed sites is still a main focus, but this time the community service is through ART TUBS, ART BOXES, and art Therapy services! It is definitely a rewarding “art rescue project” and adventure for everyone! It brings a little light into everyone’s life...for sure.

Contact Info...

For further information, please contact Judith at:


Or Judithfowler@mchsi.com

Judith Fowler

Registered Art Therapist (ATR)

Professor Emeritus

(Retired 2014)

Missouri State University

Springfield, Missouri

Info about the program...